Alternate Unofficial Names: Driver, Stearnsville.
Williamson is an incorporated place (Class Code P1) located in Pike County at latitude 33.1823 and longitude -84.3616. (Williamson Panoramio Photos). The elevation is 922 feet. Williamson appears on the Griffin South U.S. Geological Survey Map. Pike County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). Observes DST? Yes. Current Time. | Williamson, GA ZIP Code Maps | Williamson local area photos
Williamson had a population of 384; a land area of 0.59 sq. miles; a water area of 0 sq. miles; and a population density of 646.46 people per sq. mile according to the US Census Bureaue estimate of July 1, 2009. Latest Census Estimates for all incorporated places in Georgia.